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How to invest it

  • Sonderveröffentlichung: Robeco Deutschland

Virtuous Circle.

Circular economy. The traditional production model of the throwaway society is reaching its limits in a world of scarce resources and increasing environmental damage. The transition to an economy that consistently recycles resources can offer a way out. The experts at Robeco have made this an exciting investment theme.

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  • Sonderveröffentlichung: Columbia Threadneedle

Emerging Markets reloaded.

Schwellenländer-Aktien. In den ersten acht Jahren der 2000er waren Schwellenländer – vor allem die legendären BRICs – Stars an den Kapitalmärkten. Danach folgte ein mühsamer struktureller Umbau – weg von Exporten und Rohstoffen, hin zu Binnenwirtschaft, Konsum und Technologie. „Nun ist dieser abgeschlossen. Anlegern eröffnen sich ganz neue Chancen“, meint Dara White, Columbia Threadneedle.

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  • Threadneedle Management Luxembourg S.A.

Reality check.

Small Caps. Shares of smaller companies, they say, are more susceptible to economic cycles and therefore riskier, especially in crises. This effect can be minimised by clever stock selection, claimed Scott Woods of Columbia Threadneedle a year ago. How did the expert get through the turbulent market phase of recent months with his small-cap strategy?

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  • Klaus Meitinger

Rethinking interest rate investments.

Income. Secure interest rate investments will not yield a return for years to come. For investors seeking adequate returns with reasonable risk, broad diversification across a range of alternative investments is the solution.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

The (un)holy alliance.

Economic policy. Fiscal and monetary policy are increasingly converging. Is this a curse? Or a blessing? And what does it mean for the future of the economy, the prospects for growth and the outlook in the various asset classes?

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