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How to invest it

  • Klaus Meitinger

Cool guys.

Stock market barometer. Six years ago, Professor Rudi Zagst of the Technical University of Munich (left) developed a scientific model that measures the probability of stock market turbulence. Together with the evil professional Oliver Schlick, he is now working on transferring the information into an investment model. Science meets financial experience - the two of them could not have chosen a better moment for it.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

The environment becomes more valuable.

Investment idea. If Europe wants to reach seine Klimaziele, it must reform the market for CO2 emission certificates. First steps have been taken. If the prices for these pollution rights rise in the future, financial investors will also benefit.

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  • Sonderveröffentlichung: B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.

Europe and the Causa Italia.

Euro. The ECB's monetary policy has recently pushed Italy's debt problems into the background. "But what will happen if the central bank now starts den Ausstieg from ultra-expansive politics?" asks Timo Schwietering, Head of Capital Market Analysis, Metzler Private Banking.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

Intelligent gifts.

Gift. From 1 January 2018, new rules will apply to the taxation of investment funds' capital gains. Anyone who bought equity funds before 01.01.2009 can now use these so-called old funds for a particularly lucrative Christmas present.

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  • Sonderveröffentlichung: Robeco Deutschland

Keep looking ahead.

Prognosis. "Strategic investing means eliminating daily noise and focusing on the key structural trends," says Lukas Daalder, CIO bei Robeco Investment Solutions. That's why he dares a five-year outlook.

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