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A letter from

Dec 03, 2021 A letter from

"Enough with the debt brake."

A letter from ... Dr. Christian Jasperneite. The chief strategist of M.M.Warburg & CO says why saving no longer makes sense after the resignation of Bundesbank President Weidmann. I know - those who have known me for a while may rub their eyes in surprise at this headline. After all, I've been arguing against runaway national debt for decades. But here I am, and I can't help it. For ten years, Jens Weidmann, as head of the Bundesbank, has fought tirelessly to prevent the ECB from becoming an…
Dr. Christian Jasperneite 1002
May 29, 2021 A letter from

"We're calling for a turnaround."

A letter from ... Marcus Vitt, Spokesman of the Board of Donner & Reuschel, Edmund Stoiber, Peer Steinbrück, Günther Oettinger, Hans-Werner Sinn, Wolfgang Reitzle and many more.
Marcus Vitt 1178
Nov 28, 2020 A letter from

Keeping society together.

A letter from... Andreas Rickert. The founder of Phineo is concerned about the existence of the non-profit sector and explains how the Corona relief fund can be used to help.
Andreas Rickert 1259
Jun 08, 2020 A letter from

Who thinks of the poorest?

A letter from... Sabine Holzknecht. The author of private wealth has been honorary chairwoman of the organization "Help without Frontiers" for four years. She appeals to our solidarity.
Sabine Holzknecht 1414
Nov 25, 2019 A letter from

LaGarde, guardian of money?

A letter from ... Carsten Mumm. The chief economist of the bank Donner & Reuschel thinks about the monetary policy of the next decade.
Carsten Mumm 1537
May 23, 2019 A letter from

Well meant is not well done.

A letter from ... Hans-Werner Sinn. The emeritus president of the Munich ifo Institute questions climate policy and the overestimated role of electric cars in achieving climate goals. From an engineering point of view, the turn to the electric car can now be welcomed - it is elegant, robust, has a strong sprint, drives quietly and does not require a complicated gearbox. But: Es cannot be moved without CO2 emissions, as the European legislator claims, if it includes the CO2 emissions of these…
Hans-Werner Sinn 1290
Dec 11, 2018 A letter from

Billionaires move the world forward.

A letter from ... Caroline Kuhnert is responsible for high net worth individuals at UBS. Sie explains why wealth can have a positive effect far beyond the economy. We've just published our fifth Billionaires Report. Our aim is to contribute to a better understanding of this exclusive group of people. How has their wealth changed? Aber above all: What is the influence of the high-net-worth individuals on our society? And are there regional differences?
Caroline Kuhnert 1316
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Everyone has to be able to participate.

A letter from ... Professor Marcel Fratzscher. The head of the DIW sees the current justice debate as misguided and calls for an inclusive social market economy. "Time for Justice" was the motto of Martin Schulz's election campaign. In a country where 70 per cent of people feel that inequality is too high, this slogan may catch fire. I still think: Wir need a debate that goes beyond justice.
Prof. Marcel Fratzscher 1271
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Protective layers.

A letter from ... Dr. Walther Michl. The Academic Council at the Chair of Public Law and European Law at LMU München has placed the refugee crisis within the current legal framework. In the public discussion on the refugee problem, the call for a "return to the law" is repeatedly voiced - often combined with the demand for the closure of borders.
Dr. Walther Michl 1390
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Become wiser.

A letter from ... Bernd Kolb, who founded the Club of Marrakesh to give impulses for a better world. Because the effect was not strong enough for him, he is now breaking new ground. Our western world is a wonderful place that makes many things possible: a life in peace and prosperity, without existential worries, with a rich culture and sufficient space for the individual shaping of one's own life. Actually, everything's fine. Didn't I?
Bernd Kolb 1360
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

"Is passive investing really better than active investing?"

A letter from... Camille Thommes. The Director General of the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) warns against blanket judgments. The European Commission recently published a paper arguing that private investors are best served by passive investment funds. These are more cost-effective, more broadly diversified and offer higher long-term performance than active funds.
Camille Thommes 1273
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Greek tragedy.

Jochen Felsenheimer is Managing Director of XAIA Investment and reflects on the long-term consequences of the policy change in Greece. Everywhere on the markets there is wild speculation about the effects the shift to the left in Greece might have on the European financial markets. And it's not that hard to judge. After all, the economic facts have been known for several years.
Jochen Felsenheimer 1305
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

"I'm worried already."

A letter from ... Wolfgang Bosbach. The controversial member of the Bundestag reflects on politics, Europe and the social performance of our country. After the election, I leave the Bundestag and am therefore often asked what the three points are that most concern me at this crossroads of my life;
Wolfgang Bosbach 1459
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

The end of sound fiscal policy.

A letter from... Christian Jasperneite; The chief strategist von M.M. Warburg & Co. warns that dubious budgetary policies in Europe are taking the Central Bank hostage.
Christian Jasperneite 1473
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Economy and honor!

A letter from ... Rudolf X. Ruter. The sustainability and corporate governance expert is convinced that credibility and reputation are the currency of our future. Despite the misconduct at Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank and DFB/Fifa (to name just three concrete names), which is currently much discussed in Germany, I am convinced that respectability is still widespread in the German economy. More and more and especially younger managers are committing themselves to a clear sense and value orientation…
Rudolf X. Ruter. 1345
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Can bio-science save the world?

A letter from... Prof. Dr. Michael John Gorman. The founding director of BIOTOPIA - Naturkundemuseum Bayern is considering how we can meet the big questions of the 21st century.
Prof. Dr. Michael John Gorman 1222
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

End game.

Swiss biologist and environmentalist Claude Martin calls for a global strategy to reverse the fate of tropical rainforests. I don't remember ever meeting people who didn't care about the future of tropical rainforests. Whether scientists, entrepreneurs or politicians, everyone affirms how important this topic is.
Claude Martin 1101
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Prosperity for all.

A letter from ... Manfred Wittenstein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Wittenstein AG. He trusts that engineers will contribute to a better world. We're fine. We're fine. We here in Germany are fortunate to be born in a region that is not struck by natural disasters that threaten its very existence, where wars do not destroy entire villages and cities, where almost everyone has a roof over their heads and gets enough to eat. How do we deal with this gift of happiness? Shall we defend it…
Camille Thommes 1268
Oct 02, 2018 A letter from

Art and Economy.

Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, the entrepreneur, art patron and chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Würth Group, is convinced that art increases motivation within the company. I've built up a global trading company for assembly materials and tools with 65,000 employees and a turnover of ten billion euros. Since our foundation by my father in 1945, we have recorded average annual growth rates of 22 percent. That makes me a little proud. But also humble. I could never have done it…
Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth 1202

Other News

Dec 07, 2021

The beginning of a new era.

Editorials Klaus Meitinger, Moritz Eckes 1503
Dear readers, We are actually hesitant to use…
Dec 03, 2021

Lucrative credit investments.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A., German Branch 1204
Private Real Estate Loans. Banks are pulling back…
Dec 03, 2021

An optimal combination.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: Columbia Threadneedle 1035
Dividend Strategy Asia. High-yielding assets are…
Dec 03, 2021

It's getting wilder.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: Eyb & Wallwitz 1146
Currency management. For globally invested…
Dec 03, 2021

Return on investment with meaning.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: NN Investment Partners 1132
Impact-investment. Creating social benefit while…

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