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Dec 07, 2021 Editorials

The beginning of a new era.

Dear readers, We are actually hesitant to use terms like "new era" or "new epoch". But at the beginning of 2022, it seems appropriate to us - because in the future, the conditions for investors will change fundamentally. The last decade was marked by a boom in all asset classes. Real estate prices doubled. The MSCI World, which aggregates the shares of companies from industrialised countries, climbed by 250 per cent, and the Nasdaq 100 by as much as 580 per cent. A long period of interest rate…
Klaus Meitinger, Moritz Eckes 1297
May 29, 2021 Editorials

Directional Decisions.

Dear readers, In the next few months, we'll probably take big steps back towards normality, thanks to vaccination in Europe. That is wonderful. At the same time, however, it is now high time for some fundamental thinking - about the role of the state, economic policy and monetary policy. It's about exiting emergency mode. No doubt about it. When disasters strike, the state is called upon. After that, it should back off. Currently, the discussion is exactly the opposite. Father state is supposed…
Klaus Meitinger 1069
Nov 28, 2020 Editorials

The ultimate value storage.

Dear Readers, what keeps its value? This question not only concerns our network, it was also omnipresent at the Lerbach round. The large states have apparently exceeded the "point of no return" due to the Corona rescue measures, up to which they were able to control their debt burden without the financing of the central banks. So the central banks will (have to) continue to channel money into the cycle. If the money supply now increases much faster than the quantity of goods, won't financial…
Klaus Meitinger, Moritz Eckes 1382
Jun 08, 2020 Editorials

Courage. Confidence. Confidence.

Dear Readers, Of course the next few months will be tough. No question about that. But we don't have the impression that family businesses are emerging from our network. On the contrary. We hear sentences like: Take responsibility, decide, follow through. It's fantastic how the employees go along in this situation. Now more than ever instead of yes, but. The fact that everything secondary is now relegated to the background and only the survival of the company and the jobs counts, brings out the…
Klaus Meitinger, Moritz Eckes 1241
Apr 03, 2020 Editorials

Insecure times.

Dear readers,at private wealth, it is our goal to present investors and entrepreneurs on our homepage only with information that is highly relevant to this target group.In order to support you in your investment decisions in these turbulent times, we publish, for example, the results of models that you won't find anywhere else.So far this has brought real added value. For example, the capital market seismograph - the results of which we publish regularly - advised a massive reduction in the…
Klaus Meitinger 1420
Nov 25, 2019 Editorials

Herculean task.

In the chart above, only CO2 emissions from the fossil fuels coal, oil and gas are listed. If other sources such as cement production or cattle breeding were also taken into account, they would be around ten percent higher. Source: BP Stop climate change. Climate change is a global problem - and can therefore only be solved internationally. Strategies that rely on national solo efforts, on renunciation and bans will not work. What is needed are entrepreneurial initiatives and innovative…
Hanns J. Neubert und Ludger Wess 1554
Nov 25, 2019 Editorials

An intrepid look into the 2020s.

Dear Readers, in a few weeks, the new decade will begin. The last decade has been shaped by the disappearance of interest rates, the outstanding performance of the US equity market and the recognition that the world has a real problem with climate change. This is the starting point for strategic thinking on the 2020s. Thinking ahead, global warming will remain the greatest socio-political challenge. We see a halfway realistic hope in the "self-defeating prophecy". If the lung doctor says to the…
Klaus Meitinger 1553
May 25, 2019 Editorials

Now it's all about the whole thing.

Friday after Friday, pupils and students from all over the world, inspired by the Swede Greta Thunberg, will take to the streets to fight for a future in which global warming will be limited to two degrees, better still to 1.5 degrees. Unlike many "political professionals", the young generation has understood exactly what needs to be done. It is about drastically less consumption and a fair global burden sharing. Above all, we must ensure that 98 percent of fossil fuel reserves remain in the…
Klaus Meitinger 1381
Dec 11, 2018 Editorials

Der Bär rages under the radar.

There is only one topic in the financial community at the moment: Has the global upswing in stock prices that has lasted since 2009 come to an end and will we have to adjust to falling prices, a bear market, in the future? However, this discussion always relates to the major indices. Wer takes a closer look, it recognizes that the bear has already struck in large parts of the market long ago. The share prices of dozens of well-known companies are 40 to 60 percent below their highs at…
Klaus Meitinger 1011
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

Turn of time.

while everyone's worried about the Atlantic, disaster threatens our own front door. It's about the euro. When Germany agreed to monetary union, the rules were clearly defined. No Member State is liable for the liabilities of the other. The central bank is prohibited from directly acquiring government bonds. And they all commit themselves to respecting deficit limits.
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1304
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

More private wealth - exclusively for you.

The current issue of "How to invest it" focuses on our annual meeting with the Lerbacher Runde. An exclusive circle of bankers, family officers, asset managers and economists will discuss the perspectives for the economy, monetary policy and capital markets intensively for one day. Carefully balances opportunities and risks. And then defines a suitable, long-term investment strategy for wealthy private investors. True to our motto: Every private wealth story must be conceived in such a way that…
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1264
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

The high-noon moment.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, there are situations where these old film frames appear. From second hands that sneak slowly but relentlessly in the direction of twelve o'clock. Where everyone knows that soon, very soon something important has to decide. The next year has a high-noon moment like this in store. The focus is on Europe. For a long time it looked as if the economy in Euroland would get its act together. For a few months now, however, the leading indicators have been…
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1300
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

Between utopia and dystopia.

a message had caught our attention: "First equity fund to be 100 percent controlled by artificial intelligence." After researching the story on page 72, we sensed that this could be the big thing of the coming decades. The development of the AI runs on an exponential curve - it goes steeply and quickly upwards as soon as it has passed a critical point.
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1306
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

By reasonable and unreasonable investors.

Dear Readers, What is the most important aspect of an investment decision for you? Welch a question, you may now say: der price, of course, and associated with it the expected return. In recent years, a very special class von Anlegern has become increasingly important. They are investors who are completely or at least quite indifferent to price and yield;
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1301
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

The Minsky moment.

The US scientist Hyman P. Minsky, who died in 1996, became known for his theses on the sudden crisis despite a booming economy. The idea: the longer the economy runs, the more likely it is that banks, companies, consumers and investors will lose their sense of risk. They change their investment strategy and plunge into ever more daring financing. The financial markets are running hot, optimistic statements are making the rounds: "There is no longer any economic cycle. Interest rates will never…
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1336
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

On the fag end.

With every weaker growth figure and every negative news from the corporate sector, more and more investors are beginning to think the seemingly unthinkable. Can it really be that the world is facing another recession?
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1276
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

The situation is getting worse.

the biggest economic policy experiment of all time is entering the next round. In phase one, more than 700 interest rate cuts and billions of bond purchases have pushed yields in all asset classes and pushed their prices up, but one aspect has been overlooked by investors.
Klaus Meeting und Moritz Eckes 1206
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

Ten years of private wealth.

Dear Readers, After the New Economy disaster at the beginning of this millennium, we often talked in family circles about how helpful it would be if there was an information medium that explains intelligent investment strategies in a comprehensible way. That warns us in time if there is a real threat on the markets. And that enables us to learn from the best entrepreneurs. It was about inspiration and orientation. Alone - this medium did not exist. So we decided to do it ourselves.
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 1198
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

The justice debate.

Germany is in the middle of a boom. Corporate profits, wages and incomes are on the rise. Nevertheless, negative headlines dominate. Only wealthy people would benefit from the upswing. That was unfair and had to be changed.
Klaus Meitinger und Moritz Eckes 1093
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

It comes to an oath.

Germany has a choice. And thanks to Big Data, the parties now know exactly what promises they can make to their target customers. It is disappointing that the most important questions in the long term do not play a major role.
Klaus Meitinger und Moritz Eckes 1020
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

We're out of here.

Our own stock market indicator delivered a sell signal at the end of February. As you know, this is not about forecasting trend reversals on the stock markets exactly. We only try to find out when the relationship between opportunity and risk changes when investing in equities. The logic: If stocks are valued low and the economic trend improves, there is a high probability that the stock market will develop positively in the long term. If, on the other hand, equities are expensive and economic…
Klaus Meitinger 911
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

The story rhymes.

The interest rate policy of the US Federal Reserve has again moved into focus. After all, the well-being and woe of the global economy and capital markets depends on interest rates not being raised significantly. Is that really the case?
Klaus Meitinger & Moritz Eckes 995
Oct 02, 2018 Editorials

Issue June 2014: Bubble, Bubble.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, The European Central Bank will probably step on the gas in the coming weeks in terms of monetary policy. Because growth in Euroland as a whole is too low, the inflation rate too low and the Euro exchange rate too high, Mario Draghi thinks about a further interest rate cut and/or the purchase of bonds. The analysts at Morgan Stanley have already calculated what a one-trillion-euro purchase program, for example, would bring. Their result: even lower interest…
Thomas Müller 1012

Other News

Dec 07, 2021

The beginning of a new era.

Editorials Klaus Meitinger, Moritz Eckes 1297
Dear readers, We are actually hesitant to use…
Dec 03, 2021

Lucrative credit investments.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A., German Branch 944
Private Real Estate Loans. Banks are pulling back…
Dec 03, 2021

An optimal combination.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: Columbia Threadneedle 885
Dividend Strategy Asia. High-yielding assets are…
Dec 03, 2021

It's getting wilder.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: Eyb & Wallwitz 918
Currency management. For globally invested…
Dec 03, 2021

Return on investment with meaning.

How to invest it Sonderveröffentlichung: NN Investment Partners 896
Impact-investment. Creating social benefit while…

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