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How to invest it

  • Sonderveröffentlichung: Dr. Thomas Wiegelmann

Trend towards sustainability.

Real estate industry. Buildings are among the biggest emitters ofCO2."We will therefore not succeed in complying with the Paris climate agreement without a sustainable real estate industry," Thomas Wiegelmann of Schroder Real Estate is convinced. Because the pressure on this sector will continue to increase, investors will have to pay very close attention to the sustainability of real estate investments in the future. With high energy consumption and heavy reliance on fossil fuels, real estate is the focus of any strategy that aims to combat climate change. "For investors, this is a major challenge. After all, only companies that strategically position themselves correctly at an early stage will prosper in the long term," Thomas Wiegelmann,...

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  • Sonderveröffentlichung: B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG

The bill is coming.

Monetary policy. In recent years, the printing press has become the tool of choice to combat economic crises. Central banks bought bonds with "freshly printed money" to stabilize the banking system in the 2008 financial crisis and cushion the impact of the current pandemic. Meanwhile, the balance sheets of the FED and the ECB have grown to nearly double-digit trillions. Who is footing the bill? Whenever disaster threatens, the cavalry comes. In the economy, the central banks have been doing this job for years. "And even if the rescue policy of recent years has been subject to repeated criticism, the successes to date speak for themselves: despite severe turbulence, the economy has been able to return to a growth path each time and make...

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  • Sonderveröffentlichung: Matador Partners Group AG

Structural Reform.

Secondary Private Equity. In times of low interest rates and high valuations on the stock markets, classic portfolios of shares and bonds no longer work as well as they did in the past. "I therefore advise restructuring the portfolio," explains Florian Dillinger, Matador Partners Group: "Private equity, the participation in unlisted companies, stabilizes and increases the return." "Take a little trip back in time with me to the year 2031," prompts Florian Dillinger, Matador Partners Group, "and consider what returns will probably be achieved in the individual asset classes in the coming years." In the bond sector, the pro says, that's pretty straightforward. "Even if we come out of the negative interest rate era very slowly, it's not...

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  • Klaus Meitinger

"Stock prices will continue to rise."

Although the quotations of most stock indices are close to their record levels, two thirds of the members of the Lerbach Competence Circle are betting on rising prices in the coming six months as well. They have good arguments for this.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

"A correction is looming in the equity markets."

Too much optimism, too high expectations, prices rising too quickly - this is how one third of the Lerbach Competence Circle comments on the situation on the stock markets.In the course of the next six months, the experts expect significant setbacks.

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