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News from the editorial

  • Klaus Meitinger

"We're out of here."

Dear Readers, the private-wealth stock market indicator delivered at the end of February ein Verkaufssignal . As you know, this is not about forecasting  Trendwenden exactly on the stock markets. However, we are trying to find out when the relationship between opportunity and risk changes when investing in equities. The logic: Wenn stocks are valued low and the economic trend improves, the probability is high that the stock market will develop positively in the long term. If, on the other hand, equities are expensive and economic expectations are worsening, it is time to become more cautious. That's exactly what's happening today.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

"Downward trend in the economy intensifies".

Dear Readers, The future prospects for the German economy continue to cloud over. The Munich-based ifo institute reports the fourth consecutive decline in business expectations. Expectations declined particularly sharply in the manufacturing sector, which has always been a good early indicator of trends in the global economy due to its export-driven nature in the past. Obviously, the threat of protectionism is now putting considerable pressure on the mood.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

"April weather on Wall Street."

Dear Readers, Since last month, the values of the capital market seismograph have hardly changed. As you know, the team around Professor Dr. Rudi Zagst and Oliver Schlick distinguishes between three phases in the US equity market: "green" (quiet market = buy), "yellow" (turbulent market with positive expectations = invest, but with hedging) and "red" (turbulent market with negative expectations = do not invest). In the past four weeks, the seismograph's values went up and down in a short sequence - "early" April weather;

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  • Klaus Meitinger

"The climate in the German economy continues to cool down."

Dear Readers, the high spirits on the German executive floors are evaporating, writes the Munich-based ifo Institute. The economic researchers report the fifth consecutive decline in business expectations. The ifo traffic light also consistently shows a deep "red" (chart below). As the assessment of the current business situation remains at a very high level, expectations and the situation now diverge extremely widely. In the future, either the situation will deteriorate significantly - or expectations will have to recover quickly.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

"The storm has died down."

Dear Readers, a little more than two weeks ago, the model of the capital market seismograph had suggested cautiously increasing share quotas again. The current evaluation of the team around Professor Dr. Rudi Zagst and Oliver Schlick confirms this. "The storm has passed," Oliver Schlick interprets. As you know, the capital market seismograph distinguishes between three phases in the US equity market: "green" (quiet market = buy), "yellow" (turbulent market with positive expectation = invest, but with hedge) and "red" (turbulent market with negative expectation = do not invest).

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