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  • Klaus Meitinger

ifo Indicator of Economic Sentiment continues to decline.

(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)
Dear Readers, The ifo business climate in July did not bring a turnaround. The most important component for us - the industry's expectations for the future - has now declined eight times in a row. The fact that the ifo economic clock is still in the boom quadrant is due to the historically high values at the beginning of the year. Step by step, however, this indicator is now moving in the direction of the downturn. For the fifth month in a row, the ifo traffic light has also been set to "red". Red traffic light values make a contraction of the economy more likely than an expansion.

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  • Klaus Meitinger

Comeback of economic optimism.

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Dear Readers, The ifo business climate in July brought a massive improvement. The most important component for us - expectations for the future in industry - has risen significantly again after eight consecutive declines. Expectations have now even returned to the level of January 2018. With this brilliant rise, the danger of the German economy soon slipping into the downturn quadrant of the ifo economic clock seems to be averted. And the ifo traffic light is now back on "green" as well. Green traffic light values signal probabilities of greater than two thirds for an expansive phase;

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  • Klaus Meitinger

Expertenrat – just in time.

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
There are currently four questions driving the investment experts around: The grace period is over - can Emmanuel Macron get France going? Bundestag elections - what would a black-yellow government bring to the German economy and the capital markets? Euro boom - how long will the upswing in the European currency last and what does it mean for Europe's export economy? Price targets reached in the US equity market - how should investors now trade? // 01. Can Macron get France going? Emmanuel Macron wants to reform the French labour market by the end of the summer. 84 percent of the experts believe that this plan will have a significant impact on the capital market. The chances of success are good. After all, two thirds of the respondents...

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