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Die Lerbacher Runde

Since 2010, the Lerbach Round Table - managing directors of asset management companies, private bankers and family officers - has met once a year to provide wealthy investors with inspiration and orientation with regard to next year's investments. In the meantime, the discussion round has become firmly established. Its results are an essential part of the reporting in the June issue of private wealth. However, the world of capital markets is now turning ever faster.

In order to make it possible to use the competence of the professionals at any time, private wealth and its partner Robeco have created the prerequisites for an online survey of the Lerbach round. These surveys in the currently 38-member expert panel (participants on the right) do not take place on a regular basis, but are conducted on a case-by-case basis. The aim is to seek expert advice only when questions arise that offer wealthy investors real added value.

Axel Angermann

Axel Angermann

Axel Angermann

Axel Angermann

As Chief Economist of the FERI Group, Axel D. Angermann analyses the economic and structural developments of all markets that are important for asset allocation. This data forms the basis for the strategic orientation of FERI's asset investments. Since 2008, Mr Angermann has been responsible for the analyses and forecasts prepared by FERI for the overall economy as well as individual sectors. He joined the company in 2002 as an industry analyst. His professional career began at the Max Planck Institute for Economics and the Association of the Chemical Industry. Angermann studied economics in Berlin and Bayreuth.

Jörg Borgers

Jörg Borgers

Jörg Borgers

Jörg Borgers

Jörg Borgers, who holds a degree in business administration, has a 22-year family office background. For ten of those years, he worked as a senior portfolio manager & fund selector - seven years at Single Family Office EXTOREL, three years at Brose Trust. As RELEVO Family Office Investments, he has now been entrepreneurially active as an advisor and link between family offices and best-in-class service providers for almost 10 years. His consulting mandates range from the support of promising fund start-ups to allocation mandates in the area of liquid investments to the selection of suitable reporting or controlling software providers.

Oliver Borgis

Oliver Borgis

Oliver Borgis

Oliver Borgis

Oliver Borgis heads the Wealth Management division at Weberbank. The private bank, founded in 1949 and based in Berlin and Potsdam, has focused on business with wealthy clients. Answering their questions about investments is Borgis' job. Specifically, he is responsible for capital market analysis, the bank's portfolio strategy and the management of individual mandates. Diplom-Volkswirt, DVFA and CFA analyst degrees form the theoretical background of his many years of professional experience.

Stephan Buchwald

Stephan Buchwald

Stephan Buchwald

Stephan Buchwald

Stephan Buchwald has been looking after large estates for 18 years. The banker and Certified Financial Planner first worked in asset management and private banking before taking up his first position in the family office sector at Conetwork GmbH in 2003. Since 2006, he has been managing partner of Kontora Family Office. In addition, Buchwald is a member of the family advisory board of Frank Leonhardt Holding, a member of the advisory board of GENCO Subscribe to DeepL Pro to edit this document. Visit more information. Capital AG in Switzerland and a member of the investment committee of various family assets and foundations.

Thomas Buckard

Thomas Buckard

Thomas Buckard

Thomas Buckard

Thomas Buckard already discovered the exciting complexity of the financial markets during his training at Deutsche Bank AG. Therefore, after two years of "basic work" in a bank branch, he completed additional training to become a securities advisor. Since 2000, Thomas Buckard has been a founding member and shareholder of MPF AG (Michael Pintarelli Finanzdienstleistungen AG). Within the board of directors, he is now responsible for client acquisition and support. In April 2014, the members of the Verband der unabhängigen Vermögensverwalter Deutschland e. V. (Association of Independent Asset Managers in Germany) elected Thomas Buckard. (VuV) elected Thomas Buckard to their Board of Directors.

Philipp Dobbert

Philipp Dobbert

Philipp Dobbert

Philipp Dobbert

As Chief Economist of Quirin Privatbank, Philipp Dobbert is responsible for the observation and analysis of macroeconomic and economic policy developments. He supports the advisory and public relations work of Germany's first fee-based advisory bank. As deputy head of asset management and member of the investment committee, he is also largely responsible for investment decisions. Philipp Dobbert has now been working at Quirin Privatbank for over five years after studying economics at the University of Passau and holding positions at international consulting firms and the German Insurance Association.

Stefan Ebner

Stefan Ebner

Stefan Ebner

Stefan Ebner

Dr. Stefan Ebner, born in 1973, studied International Economics at the University of Innsbruck and at Aston University in Birmingham and received his doctorate from the Faculty of Economics at Chemnitz University of Technology. He began his professional career in 1998 as an asset manager at Bankhaus Spängler in Salzburg. Since 2012, Dr Ebner has been responsible for the management and structuring of family assets within the Family Office at FOCUS. As a member of the Investment Committee, he is regularly entrusted with the systematic selection and mandating of external fund managers.

Michael Gollits

Michael Gollits

Michael Gollits

Michael Gollits

Michael Gollits started his career at F&C Management Ltd, in London. From 1996 to 2013, he worked for German private banks, where he was responsible for areas related to wealth management, among other things, as a business manager. Today, he is a board member of the independent asset manager von der Heydt & Co AG, based in Frankfurt. Gollit's focus is on individual wealth management and fund portfolio management.

Robert Greil

Robert Greil

Robert Greil

Robert Greil

Robert Greil, born in 1969, worked for several banks and as an international equity specialist and managing editor for the investor magazine Börse Online after studying business administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. From 2007, Greil worked as an equity analyst at Merck Finck Privatbankiers. In 2013, the business economist (ADG) took over responsibility for the Merck Finck macro and equity strategy. Since 2014, he has held the position of Chief Strategist at Merck Finck. At the same time, Greil is a member of the Macro Team (GMAT) of the Quintet Private Bank Group based in Luxembourg. To share his knowledge, Robert Greil has also been a freelance speaker for Deutsche Börse AG for many years.

Jörg-Christoph Groscurth

Jörg-Christoph Groscurth

Jörg-Christoph Groscurth

Jörg-Christoph Groscurth

Jörg-Christoph Groscurth has been fascinated by the capital market since he studied business administration at the University of Cologne. He started at Stadtsparkasse Köln in 1998 as an analyst in research, then from 2005 he was responsible for the in-house capital market opinion at Sparkasse KölnBonn as Head of Capital Market Analysis. In this function, he was also a member of the investment committee. In 2012, Groscurth moved to Sparkasse KölnBonn's in-house asset management department as Head of Portfolio Management, which serves private clients as well as foundations and institutional clients.

Michael Huber

Michael Huber

Michael Huber

Michael Huber

Michael Huber has held various positions at VZ VermögensZentrum (Zurich, Munich, Frankfurt) since 1998. He is currently a member of the Executive Board and Chairman of the Investment Committee of VZ VermögensZentrum GmbH. Huber is also a partner of VZ Holding AG (Switzerland). The graduate in business administration (BA), CFP, CFA has published a reference book on capital investment with ETFs and - together with his colleague Tom Friess - the "Financial Coach for Retirement".

Michael Huber

Michael Huber

Michael Huber

Michael Huber

Michael Huber has been working for SÜDWESTBANK as Head of Private Banking since 2016. In addition to providing holistic advice to high net worth private clients and advising and supporting entrepreneurs in the private sector, SÜDWESTBANK's Private Banking team also serves foundations - primarily in Baden-Württemberg. Prior to his position as Head of Private Banking, Huber was responsible for one of four market divisions at SÜDWESTBANK from 2006 to 2016. Huber completed the Financial Planner at the Frankfurt School in 2004.

​Stephan Jäggle

​Stephan Jäggle

Stephan Jäggle

​Stephan Jäggle

Stephan Jäggle represents the Family Office Münster Stegmaier Rombach in the Lerbach Round. After completing his business studies with a focus on banking and financial management at DHBW, he completed his Master's degree (MSc) at the University of Liechtenstein. Jäggle then worked at a large credit institution until 2009. There he was initially responsible for setting up individual asset management. Later, as an authorised signatory, he took over responsibility for asset management. In 2010, the family father, who is known for his innovative ideas, moved to the advisory team for large family assets at Münster Stegmaier Rombach. He became a partner there in 2013 and has been managing director since 2015.

Dr. Christian Jasperneite

Dr. Christian Jasperneite

Dr. Christian Jasperneite

Dr. Christian Jasperneite

Dr. Christian Jasperneite studied economics at the University of Passau and subsequently earned his doctorate at the Chair of Economic Policy. After a research stay at Harvard University, he started as an analyst in macro research at M.M.Warburg & CO in 2000 before becoming Chief Investment Officer at the Warburg Group's Family Office. Since the beginning of 2009, Dr Jasperneite has been Chief Investment Officer at M.M. Warburg & CO. His passion is to use sophisticated quantitative methods to find ways to build portfolios that systematically outperform the overall market.

Stephan Kemper

Stephan Kemper

Stephan Kemper

Stephan Kemper

After successfully completing a capital market-oriented dual degree programme, he worked in trading and institutional sales of derivative financial instruments for 15 years. He joined the Offering team at BNP Paribas Wealth Management - Private Banking in 2020 and has headed the Advisory Desk since September 2021. There, he is responsible for tactical asset allocation and fund selection, among other things. He is also part of the Global Investment Committee of BNP Paribas Wealth Management and actively shapes the bank's international investment strategy in this role.

Maximilian Kunkel

Maximilian Kunkel

Maximilian Kunkel

Maximilian Kunkel

Maximilian Kunkel is the Chief Investment Strategist for Germany and for the Global Family Office (GFO) segment at UBS Global Wealth Management. In his role, he represents UBS's macroeconomic views and capital markets strategy in Germany and, together with his colleagues, develops the investment strategy, views and recommendations for UBS's ultra high net worth and family office clients globally. Maximilian completed his business studies at the London School of Economics and ESADE in Barcelona with a Master of Science and a CEMS Master in International Management. Prior to that, he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from King's College London.

Professor Dr. Bernd Meyer

Professor Dr. Bernd Meyer

Professor Dr. Bernd Meyer

Professor Dr. Bernd Meyer

Professor Dr Bernd Meyer is Chief Investment Strategist at Berenberg, where he is responsible for discretionary multi-asset strategies and asset management mandates in Wealth and Asset Management. Meyer was initially Head of European Equity Strategy at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and London and, from 2010, built up global Cross Asset Strategy Research at Commerzbank as Head of Division. Prof. Dr. Meyer has received several awards. He and his team were ranked among the top three multi-asset research teams worldwide in the Extel Survey from 2013 to 2017. In addition to his work at Berenberg, Meyer is a guest lecturer for "Empirical Capital Market Research" at the University of Trier.

Joachim Meyer

Joachim Meyer

Joachim Meyer

Joachim Meyer

Joachim Meyer began his professional career as a special fund manager for mixed mandates. This was followed by positions at FondsConsult and Complementa Investment-Controlling AG. As managing partner of Meyer & Cie. Allokationsberatung GmbH in Munich, he and his team advised and supported a limited number of institutional investors in ongoing, dynamic portfolio construction. Since the sale of his firm, Meyer has been managing his own family office. He appears as a speaker and moderator at congresses and German universities of applied sciences. His main topics are trends in the capital markets, manager selection in traditional and alternative investment segments, and pension fund governance.

Ralf Mielke

Ralf Mielke

Ralf Mielke

Ralf Mielke

Ralf Mielke has well over 20 years of investment experience. Until spring 2017, he was the long-standing head of investments at Bank J. Safra Sarasin (Deutschland) AG, with a focus on asset allocation and sustainable investment strategies. Prior to that, he worked at Credit Suisse AG in Zurich, Universal Investment GmbH and Commerzbank, where he focused on rule-based investment strategies and risk management. Today, the business graduate, CEFA Investment Analyst/DVFA and Certified Risk Manager is Head of Sustainable Investments at Bank Julius Bär Europe AG.

Carsten Mumm

Carsten Mumm

Carsten Mumm

Carsten Mumm

Carsten Mumm is Chief Economist at the private bank Donner & Reuschel. The 42-year-old is responsible for the preparation of the bank's own capital market opinion as well as publications relevant to the capital market. In the course of the merger of the two banks Conrad Hinrich Donner in Hamburg and Reuschel & Co. Privatbankiers in Munich in 2010, Carsten Mumm merged the two asset management units and then also headed this area until 2016. The trained banker and graduate economist has been working in the capital investment area since 1998. He qualified as a Chartered Financial Analyst in 2006.

Dr. Thomas Neukirch

Dr. Thomas Neukirch

Dr. Thomas Neukirch

Dr. Thomas Neukirch

Dr Thomas Neukirch is Head of Strategic Wealth Planning and Senior Account Manager at HQ Trust. He is responsible for long-term forecasts, provides holistic support to institutional clients and advises private clients on their long-term asset allocation. Before joining HQ Trust in 2008, Dr. Neukirch worked for four years at Harald Quandt Holding. In various positions he was responsible for allocation models, hedge fund selection and portfolio management. Dr Neukirch holds a degree in mathematics and a PhD in economics.

Daniel Oyen

Daniel Oyen

Daniel Oyen

Daniel Oyen

Daniel Oyen (born 1978), is Equity Partner of the owner-managed Multi Family Office von Plettenberg, Conradt & Cie. in Düsseldorf. He began his training at HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG in 1998 and subsequently worked in the bank's family office for over 12 years. During this time he studied part-time and graduated with the titles Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH) and Bachelor of Commercial Economics. Oyen specialises in the assessment of asset managers as well as asset-managing fund concepts, alternative investments and strategic asset allocation consulting.

Niels Pätzold

Niels Pätzold

Niels Pätzold

Niels Pätzold

Niels Pätzold now has more than 20 years of intensive experience in portfolio management and is characterised by his comprehensive capital market expertise. After more than 10 years at a leading major bank, Niels Pätzold was responsible for very large and demanding custody assets at the private bank Sal. Oppenheim, at the family office provider Spudy & Co. and at Consilisto Berenberg Privat-Treuhand GmbH from the beginning of 2001, where he once again decisively enriched his knowledge of the selection process of suitable asset managers. Today, as managing partner of Metis Treuhand GmbH, Pätzold provides all the services of a classic family office for his clients.

Reinhard Pfingsten

Reinhard Pfingsten

Reinhard Pfingsten

Reinhard Pfingsten

Reinhard Pfingsten has been Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of Bethmann Bank since the beginning of 2018 and is responsible for the private bank's investment strategy. In addition, as Global Head Asset Allocation, he is involved in the development of ABN AMRO's global investment strategy. Previously, he was Head of Asset Management and CIO at the private bank Hauck & Aufhäuser AG. He started his career as a portfolio manager at Allianz after studying business mathematics. This was followed by management positions in the mutual fund sector at ADIG and DEKA and as Head of Asset Management at Sal. Oppenheim. Reinhard Pfingsten has received numerous awards for the performance of his products in the area of mutual funds and private banking.

​Alexander Prochnow-Ast

​Alexander Prochnow-Ast

​Alexander Prochnow-Ast

​Alexander Prochnow-Ast

Alexander Prochnow-Ast has more than 20 years of investment experience. The graduate banker, CIIA, CEFA first headed the "interest rate division" at W&W Asset Management in Stuttgart. He then took over Treasury at Volksbank Kur-u. Rheinpfalz eG, Speyer, before moving to Volksbank Kraichgau in 2012, which enjoys a special reputation in the financial world because SAP founder Dietmar Hopp has a large part of his assets working there. Today, Prochnow-Ast is head of portfolio management there.

Dr. Jörg Rahn

Dr. Jörg Rahn

Dr. Jörg Rahn

Dr. Jörg Rahn

Dr. Jörg Rahn is Chief Investment Officer at Single Family Wirtgen Invest. The family office invests in four investment segments: real estate, renewable energies, private equity and liquid investments. Before joining Wirtgen Invest, Dr. Jörg Rahn was Head of Asset Management at M.M.Warburg & CO and Chief Investment Officer at the multi-family office Marcard, Stein & Co for nine years. Dr. Rahn studied business mathematics at the University of Hamburg and earned his doctorate in economics. Subsequently, he was involved in the preparation of the annual reports at the German Council of Economic Experts for three years.

Michael Reuss

Michael Reuss

Michael Reuss

Michael Reuss

Michael Reuss has been the managing partner of Huber, Reuss & Kollegen Vermögensverwaltung since its foundation in 2000. The banking specialist began his career at Hypobank, then moved into private wealth management at Berliner Bank, before later applying his many years of experience in asset management for institutional mandates and wealthy private clients in his own asset management company. Today, Reuss looks after more demanding private clients there. His area of expertise is mergers and acquisitions.

Andreas Rhein

Andreas Rhein

Andreas Rhein

Andreas Rhein

Andreas Rhein has been on the board of the multi-family office FOCAM AG since 2004. The business economist and graduate in business administration dealt with the most important issues of wealthy clients at an early stage. His first professional position - in 1986 - was in portfolio management, followed by asset structure consulting for large private fortunes. In 1992, he joined AGAB AG, an investment company listed on the stock exchange at the time, where he was responsible for an investment portfolio of 10 companies in the German SME sector. After working for the English private bank Schroders and Deutsche Family Office GmbH, he has now been making his know-how available to FOCAM's clients for 17 years.

Kai Röhrl

Kai Röhrl

Kai Röhrl

Kai Röhrl

Mr Röhrl has been in the asset management industry for around 20 years. In 2002, he was instrumental in founding the German branch of the Robeco Group. In his current role as Head of Third Party Distribution, Mr Röhrl serves clients from the private banking, family office and asset management consulting sectors. Together with the editor-in-chief of Private Wealth Magazine, Klaus Meitinger, he launched the Lerbacher Runde in 2009. Furthermore, Mr Röhrl is co-founder and board member of the Club of Finance e.V. The graduate business economist and financial analyst DVFA is a married father of two children.

Alexander Ruis

Alexander Ruis

Alexander Ruis

Alexander Ruis

Over the past six years, Alexander Ruis has successfully built up and expanded the multi-family office SK Family Office GmbH as managing partner. Before that, he worked for Wilhelm von Finck AG for 14 years, initially as the single family office and asset manager for the family of the same name. In addition to asset controlling, strategic advice to asset owners was important there. This primarily included questions of asset and currency allocation as well as the selection and assessment of asset managers. In 2005, Wilhelm von Finck AG was taken over by Deutsche Bank AG. Ruis accompanied the transformation as a board member and then moved to SK Family Office in 2011.

Arne Sand

Arne Sand

Arne Sand

Arne Sand

Arne Sand grew up in Germany, Mexico and South Africa. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Stuttgart, he and Dr. Max Schott founded Sand und Schott GmbH in 1994, a company that advises high net worth individuals on investments and manages their portfolios. Since 2007, he has additionally been the managing partner of smart-invest GmbH, a company specialising in systematic investment strategies, which primarily targets institutional and semi-institutional investors. The multi-award-winning fund manager with several years of experience as a member and chairman of supervisory boards is also the author and co-author of several specialist books.

​Chris-Oliver Schickentanz

​Chris-Oliver Schickentanz

Chris-Oliver Schickentanz

Chris-Oliver Schickentanz

Chris-Oliver Schickentanz has been Chief Investment Strategist at Commerzbank AG since July 2011. He is responsible for the investment strategy for private clients. Schickentanz studied psychology at the TU Darmstadt with minors in business administration and law. He was thus perfectly prepared for a career in the capital markets, whose developments depend to a large extent on the behaviour of investors. Schickentanz first worked as an equity analyst, then headed the corporate analysis department at Dresdner Bank and, after the merger with Commerzbank, the newly formed investment team. Today, he not only passes on his knowledge in the Lerbacher Runde, but also as a lecturer at the universities in Passau and Darmstadt as well as the Frankfurt School of Finance.

Karsten Tripp

Karsten Tripp

Karsten Tripp

Karsten Tripp

Karsten Tripp has always been a man of the markets. Tripp has been active in the securities business at HSBC Germany for 30 years - as an equity analyst, Head of Equity Research, fund manager, Managing Director of the fund management company, Chairman of the Board of HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt International (Luxembourg), Head of the Private Banking division and Chief Investment Officer. Today, Tripp is responsible for the entire range of services in Private Banking (investments and financing) and represents German Private Banking in the investment committees of the HSBC Group. The expert, who is known for his own opinions and razor-sharp analyses, is certainly not an easy discussion partner. But he doesn't want to be.

Gottfried Urban

Gottfried Urban

Gottfried Urban

Gottfried Urban

Gottfried Urban is the managing director of Urban & Kollegen Vermögensmanagement, which was created in 2019 from an MBO of a large asset management company he co-founded. The multi-award-winning portfolio manager is considered a specialist in wealth management for high net worth private clients. With more than 35 years of investment experience, the graduate banker is one of Germany's proven capital market specialists. He has been publishing in various media for more than 20 years and is a sought-after interview partner and discussion participant.

Jan Viebig

Jan Viebig

Jan Viebig

Jan Viebig

Jan Viebig is Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of Oddo BHF AG and at the same time Managing Director of Oddo BHF Trust GmbH. He is thus also responsible for the Polaris fund range of ODDO BHF Asset Management. Prior to this, the economist, who holds a doctorate and a habilitation, held senior positions at Swiss Vontobel Asset Management, Credit Suisse and DWS Investment, among others. In addition to his activities in the financial world, he teaches at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

Marc Vits

Marc Vits

Marc Vits

Marc Vits

Marc Vits has been Deputy Director (Private Banking) at Bankhaus Metzler in Bedburg since 2013. He is primarily responsible for the acquisition and support of entrepreneurial families and foundations. He is particularly interested in communicating the complexities of the capital markets. He also benefits from his experience as a lecturer at the University of Kaiserslautern. In December 2021, Vits also completed the Master Wealth Management programme at the European Business School in Östrich - Winkel with a Master of Arts degree.

Ulrich Voss

Ulrich Voss

Ulrich Voss

Ulrich Voss

Ulrich Voss is Head of Capital Markets at Tresono Family Office. His focus is on asset allocation, manager selection and controlling of capital market mandates. Voss studied international financial management in Germany and abroad. After graduating, he worked for Flossbach von Storch AG in Cologne for five years in the Asset Management and Family Office departments. In 2009, he moved to a German entrepreneurial family in Düsseldorf to help set up a single family office and take care of the management of liquid assets and the selection of hedge funds. Besides the capital markets, Ulrich Voss is interested in travelling, reading, music and foreign cultures.

Lutz Welge

Lutz Welge

Lutz Welge

Lutz Welge

Lutz Welge has been the Head of Portfolio Management at Bank Julius Bär Deutschland AG since 2006. He is the contact person for clients in Portfolio Management and personally manages between 30 and 50 mandates. Prior to that, he was Portfolio Manager Special Mandates and Deputy Head of Portfolio Specialists at UBS Deutschland AG for six years. Lutz Welge studied business administration and economics at the University of Bochum, the University of Cologne and the Helsinki School of Economics.

Michael Winkler

Michael Winkler

Michael Winkler

Michael Winkler

Michael Winkler has been Head of Investment Strategy at St.Galler Kantonalbank Deutschland AG since 2013. In this position, he is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the investment policy in Germany. Before that, Winkler worked for many years as a portfolio manager at well-known addresses such as Cominvest and Deka. In addition, he was responsible for the allocation of own investments at Postbank's Treasury.

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